To add your response, click EDIT at the top of the page. The page will revert to a document like in a word processer. Simply type your response and click SAVE at the bottom of the page.
**Bonus: Add a photo of your team in action! While editing page, click IMAGES AND FILES tab in right hand sidebar. Click the BROWSE button to locate where your file is saved. Select the file then clikc OPEN. The file may take a bit to upload. Once it has uploaded, it will appear in the right sidebar. Simply drag and drop the picture onto the page. Don't forget to SAVE.
(Please type the question then add your response.)
Question 1: What will it mean to be an educated adult in the 21st century?
- Independent learning
- Technology users
- internet
- specific software
- hardware
- research tool
- Critical thinkers
- Life long learners
- Access to technology
- Communication skills
- Multilingual skills
Cultural knowledge
Question 2:What about students has changed since you went to school?
- More extracurricular activities
- More students employed
- More technologically savvy
- Whinier
- Fewer cliques, more mixing
- Higher threshold for entertainment
- Attention span requires many transitions
Comments (2)
Stacy Russell said
at 10:35 am on Oct 7, 2008
Good job, Team 2! The only problem is that you used a picture of one of Team 1's memebers without our consent. Our legal team will be in contact shortly.
Stacy Russell said
at 10:37 am on Oct 7, 2008
"members", not "memebers"
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