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Page history last edited by Lisa Huff 15 years, 9 months ago

BHS 21st Century Learning Community            

Pioneers blazing new trails to 21st Century Learning


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Because living and working are so different now from even a decade or two ago and because things will continue to change, today’s students need new skills to survive and thrive in the future.                  

                                                                                                                 -Teaching and Learning, Digital Learning Environment



What Is 21st Century Learning?

The printing press changed the world. The Industrial Revolution changed the world. The Internet is changing the world. The way we communicate, learn, entertain ourselves--live is changing. Before books were mass printed, reading and writing weren't critical skills required of the masses.  Before the Internet, global awareness, creative and critical thinking, digital skills weren't critical skills required of the masses. Now, every student will need 21st Century Skills to compete in a global economy. Is our school equipping our students with these skills? Learn more.


Need Help with Your Blog?

Check out the links to tutorials on the blogging page.


What are Web 2.0 Tools?

For Generation Xers and Baby-Boomers, our first experience with the Internet was a Web 1.0 experience: a one-way source of information--from the Internet to us.  The Internet has evolved into a two-way channel: we can not only get information but can also interact with information. This two-way interaction, or Web 2.0, has spawned a plethora of digital tools that allow us to connect, collaborate, create. Listen to Chris Oneale's podcast.


Many of these tools are FREE! They allow us, as educators, to connect and collaborate with each other and with educators around the globe. They allow us to create, to design, to publish. Ultimately, they allow us to create learning environments where technology becomes not the focus but a tool for deeper, more engaged learning.


Ready to begin blazing your own trail? Check out the Top 5 Tools for Teachers



Comments (3)

LBWeygandt said

at 7:39 pm on Jun 12, 2008

Hey! I am so excited about this venture! Sorry I wasn't at the first gathering, but I will definitely be there on July 18th. Lisa, I am available Tuesday through Friday of next week (17the thru the 20th) for some coffee talk from the meeting I missed. Let me know. Oh, How was Florida?

Lisa Huff said

at 9:00 am on Jun 13, 2008

Wow--someone's actually reading this! Florida was incredible. I left the laptop at home (OMG!) and immersed myself in books. I read the Twilight series (I'm a crazy fan follower now--someone what of a cult, I understand), The Host, and Write Beside Them. Just what I needed.

Next week sounds great. I'm leading a workshop June 18-19. How's June 20? I've sent an e-mail to Campbell, Summers, and Hance to see if we might meet for a make-up at Morningside from 12-2pm. Maybe you and I could talk English Dept. before or after that.

Lisa Huff said

at 2:19 pm on May 20, 2009

@Lisa: Will this nest comment?

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